Susanne Rossmann



Since 2020 member of the HGoTECH team; main responsibilities are project coordination and molecular analyses.

  • Postdoc position at the Max Planck Institut for Plant Breeding Research, Cologne, Germany
  • PhD (Dr. rer. nat.) at the University of Cologne, Germany
  • Degree in Agricultural Biology from the University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany

She is an expert in molecular biology and plant breeding. Her research focus was on the discovery of gene relations and gene functions in processes such as side-shoot formation in tomato or cluster architecture in grapevine. She is an expert in designing, performing and analyzing of RNA-Seq and genomic DNA-Seq experiments. She is experienced in real-time quantitative PCR and RNA in-situ hybridizations and in the development and application of molecular markers.

Rossmann S, Kohlen W, Hasson A, Theres K. Lateral suppressor and Goblet act in hierarchical order to regulate ectopic meristem formation at the base of tomato leaflets. Plant J. 2015 Mar;81(6):837-48. doi: 10.1111/tpj.12782. PMID: 25641652.

Rossmann S, Richter R, Sun H, Schneeberger K, Töpfer R, Zyprian E, Theres K. Mutations in the miR396 binding site of the growth-regulating factor gene VvGRF4 modulate inflorescence architecture in grapevine. Plant J. 2020 Mar;101(5):1234-1248. doi: 10.1111/tpj.14588. Epub 2019 Dec 8. PMID: 31663642.