Heiner Goldbach

[Photo: Heiner Goldbach]PROF.EM. DR. HEINER GOLDBACH

E-Mail: goldbach@hgotech.de
Tel: (+49) 228 38 75 60 81-1

Heiner Goldbach held the Chair of Plant Nutrition at the University of Bonn from 1997 until March 2016.

Further positions held before were:

  • Professor of Agroecology at the University of Bayreuth, Germany,
  • Researcher and Senior Researcher at the Technical University of Munich, Weihenstephan,
  • Postdoc position at CATIE, Costa Rica within a joint project run by gtz (now giz) GmbH and CATIE,
  • PhD at the University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart in Plant Nutrition,
  • graduated in Agrobiology.

His research specializes in functions of micronutrients (especially boron) in plant metabolism; processes on foliar surfaces and foliar fertilization; water balances of plants; waste management and nutrient cycling; early stress indicators in plants.

He chaired the German competence network CROP.SENSe.net on phenotyping science and its application to crop breeding and crop management as well as the competence enter for fertilization and secondary raw materials (KDS e.V., Bonn). He has held lead positions in the German Society of Plant Nutrition, the German Society of Agricultural Research Stations (VDLUFA), the foliar nutrition working group, and has been founding director of INRES. He is supervisor and co-supervisor of numerous PhD students both in Germany as well as in overseas (Australia, Mexico, Spain). He is bearer of the Sprengel-Liebig-Medal in Gold of the VDLUFA.