E-Mail: heck@hgotech.de
Tel: (+49) 228 38 75 60 81-0
Christian Heck is actually managing HGoTECH GmbH as CEO.
- Since 2011 CEO of HGoTECH GmbH
- He graduated from Bonn University, since 2010 he is working as PhD student on seed physiology and crop vigour enhancement
- Gained teaching experience in 2012 (course on the basics of inorganic and organic chemistry at the FH-Bonn-Rhein-Sieg in the Faculty of Electronics, Machinery and
Technology-related Journalism) - Since May 2014 he assists in the implementation of a server structure and data bank management in the context of the CROP.SENSe.net project
He specialises in applying IT for plant research:
- Development of a device to measure leaf extension as an indicator of e.g. drought stress responses
- Design of easy-to-handle measuring systems for leaf area and leaf area index (OMA 1.1, OMA2.0 and OMA portable).