HGoTECH is carrying out research for both SME as well as multinationals. In each case we are developing the most suited and most economic research approach based on contracts and NDAs.
We are proud to work for
(in alphabetical order)
- AVEA GmbH & Co.KG
- Bayer CropScience AG
- Budenheim KG
- EuPhoRe GmbH
- gewitra GmbH
- Glatt Ingenieurtechnik GmbH
- Phytobiotics
- ReFood GmbH
- Synergie GmbH
- Syngenta AG
- and further important companies.
We are collaborating with further national and international research institutions in the context of project development like RWTH Aachen, UA Madrid, Remote sensing group at the University of Cologne, and others. We participate in research programs together with University partners, breeders and SME specializing in recycling and fertilizer application.